
Translation & sentences for Pashto added!


As we're inching towards the end of the year's first quarter (March 2023), our roadmap seems on course. So I am very excited to share two good news!

Translation of Common Voice (Pontoon) to Pashto

We have completed the translation of Mozilla Common Voice's web interface (pages) to Pashto. You can now read all Mozilla Common Voice's pages in the Pashto language at

Addition of Pashto Sentences

Another great news is that we have added 1053 sentences to the Common Voice's sentence collector project. We created these sentences meticulously to capture day-to-day conversations and the essence of Pashtoon culture. Voice recognition needs to understand the words spoken in daily usage compared to those used in books, news, etc.

We're all set for the next stage of collecting sounds against these sentences!